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Sole energy able to stimulate the genetic memory of cell and by this way to cause self reorganization effect of immunitary system in a quite short time
'Laser' means the initials of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation , and is a source of concentrated and polarized monochromatic light. The basic effects of laser light on organic tissue is generally determined by the heat generation caused by the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Before our BIOELETTRA 30001 these effects were used , and still are used , to generate alterations of tissues, as protheic coagulations (temperature of ab. 60 °C) up to dehydatation ( ab. 100 °C) and charing at more than 250 °C , as a kind of lancet to burn altered cells , to cauterize and generally to surgery purposes.
Actually a further progress was achieved , and has been demonstrated that Laser technology can be applied to others important therapeutic uses as
Such employs are based upon the observations that light has useful phisiologic and neurologic effects depending on it's wave length.
Hereunder are explained the technical features and
usage of the biological SOFT LASER BIOELETTRA type 2001 which is
the previous type used before the issue of BIOELETTRA 3001. This one
will undoubtedly improve quality and time of service, but it's still under
experimental survey.
The non-invasive biological soft laser was planned in Italy in 1981 after an
experimentation on rheumatic and inflammatory diseases and on deep and superficial lesions
of the skin-tissue due to any kind of injuries and to chronic, bacterial or viral
The versatility of such instrument allows the application of non-invasive therapies
without side-effects.
The biological laser Bioelettra 2001 is an instrument of high innovative miniaturized
technology which makes possible distance treatments: from min. 30 cm to max 5/8 mt.
In the human therapeutic practise it is possible to effect treatments from a distance of
one or two metres ( e. g. in case of third-degree burns, concussions, bullet wounds or
explosive-wounds, deep or superficial injuries, diabetic ulcers, organ transplants,
reconstructions of mucos genoma, reconstruction of skin with the same cell genoma,
reconstruction of muscle-mass and nerve mass and, in case of gangrene, reconstruction of
granulation tissues with complete healing).
In the veterinary therapeutic practice the soft laser has been used in the traumatology
branch on race-horses and on bred horses with distant application not to frighten the
The difference among the biological soft laser made in Italy and the others is in its
non-invasive radical action which enables an immediate absorption at a cell level and a
succesful result in 40 minutes.
Source Type is Helium - Neon ; Light energy is 31mW ; Light utilization is direct ; Emission is continuous;Wave lenght is 632.8 nM (nanomts) ; Beam diam. 1,2 mm Beam divergence is 1 millirad Manufacturer : Bioelettra - ELETTROMEDICALI A TECNOLOGIA INNOVATIVA PER USO TERAPEUTICO - ROMA - ITALY
Bibliography This list has only few italian, french & and spanish items but we hope it will be soon improved by newer topics and links . The following link lead to a complete electronic library about topics of laser
Other items
Bagnasco G. : Il trattamento delle flogosi sperimentali da formaldeide con Mid Laser. 1985 ed. SEPI.
Benedicenti A.: Atlante di laser terapia, 1982 Ed. Langa - Cuneo Italia .
Maturo L. : Manuale di laser terapia, diodi infrarossi 1981 Ed. BAYER - IEGA Spa Vicenza Italia
Mester E., Mester A. : Effetto biostimolante dei raggi laser - Riflessoterapia e Laserterapia 1984 Ed. MINERVA MEDICA Torino
Molinier S. : Utilisation di Softlaser en medicine veterinaire canine - 1984 - Revue acupuncture veterinaire 3° trim.
Sturla L. : L'uso del softlaser nella patologia dermatologica e non dei piccoli animali o animali da compagnia. Bollettino AIVPA n° 3 1986
Trellet M.A. : La cicatrization de las hedidas en la oreja del conejo bajo , la influencia del rajo He/ne - Estudio Histologico - Antologia Dermatologica n. 2 feb. , 1983
Trellet M.A. , Mayayo E.: Il laser He/Ne 632 nm come attivatore della cicatrizzazione . Bollettino AIVPA Anno XXIII n.2 1984
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